The new multi wave PWM synthesizer, Pulse PWM Synth by Skrock Music is now out.
Pulse is a synth with a clear and intuitive interface, unlike the typical Pulse-Width synth. In pulse, several different types of waveforms can be PW modified. Thats 12 waveforms ranging from the standard Pulse/Square waves, to Sawtooths, Triangles and other experimental waves. It’s a homage to some of the great synth classics. With some extra twists.
- 12 Waveforms
- All Waveforms can be PW Control/modulated
- Dual Sub and Noise Oscillators
- Multimode Ladder Filter. LP24/LP12/LP6/BP/HP
- Loose Note mode. When enabled, note inputs are randomly imperfectly tuned
- Easy hands on sliders for Mod Wheel and Velocity modulations.
- Drift mode FX
- Chorus FX
- Delay FX
Released: 2018-01-18, Version: 1.0.2 and in the Prop-Shop