Reason Remoter

New Serial Parallel Effects Mixer

Serial Parallel Effects Mixer Front

The new Serial Parallel Effects Mixer by Bcase is now available in the Prop-Shop.

SPEM (Serial Parallel Effects Mixer) is like three products in one:

  • 4 channel Serial Effects Mixer,
  • 4 channel Parallel Effects Mixer,
  • 4 channel Instruments Mixer,

with Peak or RMS Metering.

SPEM helps you to control input/output volume however SPEM can also help your creativity, with a simple switch you can change the routing connections from Serial to Parallel or Parallel to Serial. There is a channel selector that can be CV controlled, you can choose one channel at a time, be adventurous and put an LFO on it and continuously switch between the channels.

The user interface has been optimized to have all necessary functionalities in a 1U rack, even when folded, key controls are still available.

In serial routing mode, the goal is to help volume leveling between each stage of the effect chain, works seamlessly inline or the mastering chain.

Main input audio signal goes to the Channel 1 outputs, connected to an effect of your choice. This effect sends back the audio signal to the channel 1 inputs, which sends it to the Channel 2 outputs. And so on for the Channel 3 and 4. For each channel you can measure levels and adjust volume, pans and polarity.

If a channel is not plugged, or is muted, then it is bypassed.

After crossing all channels, the global dry/wet mixer lets you mix the wet audio signal with the main input audio signal. You can adjust the main output audio level with the output volume knob and measure it with the output meters.

In parallel routing mode, the goal is to help volume leveling parallel effects. It can also be used as a powerful mixer of four audio inputs.

SPEM takes incoming main audio signal, splits it into four audio signals assigned to the four channels outputs. Each channel sends audio to an effect and gets the returned signal back. You can measure levels and adjust volume, pans and polarity.

At the end, SPEM merges all channels returned audio signals. You can adjust the main output audio level or mix the merged audio signal with the dry main input audio signal.

Released on 2017-07-06 Version 1.1.4, in the Prop-Shop.


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