Reason Remoter


Here you can view and download all the Remote codec/map/doc files as well as find links to other Remote resources.

Patches for LayersWave Edition rack extension Kaleidoscope Waves, a collection of colour and shapes in sonic synthesized sound. Categorised into multiple sections with over 200 different patches for the LayersWave…

This zip archive contains all the remote info files for all the rack extensions available in Reason. There is a small charge of £2 for the time spent collating all…

This remote map contains 674 rack extension mappings and all the reason 11 devices, including the rack extensions that come with Reason Plus. To install, first install the automap software…

This is an archive of all the remote info files for the Reason 11.1 built-in devices. The files are placed into folders based on category. It also includes the main…

This is an update of the Reason 10 stock remote map for the Akai MPK249 keyboard. Installation instructions are below. This remote map now has maps for all reason stock…

This is an update of the Reason 10 stock remote map for the Akai MPK261 keyboard. Installation instructions are below. This remote map now has maps for all reason stock…

May Madness Sale! over 70% off, was £17 now £5, saving £12! Patches for Layers Requires Reason 9.2 or higher and the Layers rack extension by Propellerheads. This refill expands…

This custom map is an extension to the Propellerhead factory map and includes maps for: Europa (limited mapping) Grain (limited mapping) Klang Splex Korg Legacy Cell Korg MonoPoly Arturia Analogue…

This download contains the latest versions of all remote info files for all currently available rack extensions. There is a small charge of £2 (GBP) for the time and cost…

Reason Related Resources

Below are a small collection of Reason related resources you may find helpful.

Free Behringer BCR2000 Remote Map

This free BCR2000 remote map is produced by oenkenstein and also published on

Livid Instruments

Livid Instruments have the following open source resources on GitHub for Remote codecs/maps:

Remote codec/maps for Novation Launchpad/launch control

Tonalaxis Blog

Here you will find various remote codec/map articles and downloads plus more Reason related articles.

Irregular Cluster

Here you will find a few remote codecs and other Reason related things.

Reason Talk (Forum)

There are a range of user contributed Reason related resources available in the Reason Talk forum.

Other Popular Reason Forums

Reason Experts

Reasonb Experts has a collection of helpful tutorials and videos by Hydlide as well as patches, refills and tips all free.

Learn Reason

Learn Reason is another great free resource with tutorials and videos for learning Reason.

Know a great Reason resource?

If you know of a great Reason related resource and want to share it here, get in touch and tell us about it.